MOTOBIT.COM - ASP upload, IIS utility POP3SecureConnection Property of Account class - POP3 Secure Connection

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Use Secure Connection (ssl) for POP3 account.


vPOP3SecureConnection = Account.POP3SecureConnection
Account.POP3SecureConnection = vPOP3SecureConnection




01 = ssl, 00 = without SSL


Registry key: POP3 Secure Connection
Outlook express dialog position: Advanced tab, Server port numbers, This server requires a secure connection (SSL) - POP3


Gmail account - Setup outlook configuration with smtp and pop3 using script.

This short sample creates Outlook configuration file with Gmail servers - SMTP, POP3, secure connection to servers, set username and password, and store the configuration as .iaf file. You can import the file directly to Outlook express and MS Office Outlook. See online demo of this sample.
Option Explicit

'Create account exporter object
Dim Export
Set Export = CreateObject("EmailExport.Account")

'Name the configuration of account
Export.AccountName = "GMail - John Book"

'set bas info for outgoing mail - email and name 
Export.SMTPEmailAddress = ""
Export.SMTPDisplayName = "John Book" 

'Set login information for POP
Export.POP3UserName = ""
Export.POP3Password = "T00book"

'SMTP use the same password as pop3  
Export.SMTPUseSicily = 2

'Set SMTP and POP servers
Export.SMTPServer = ""
Export.POP3Server = ""

'Set secure connection and port for SMTP
Export.SMTPSecureConnection = True
Export.SMTPPort = 465

'Set secure connection and port for POP3
Export.POP3SecureConnection = True
Export.POP3Port = 995

'Save the IAF file.
Export.SaveIAFFile Export.AccountName & ".IAF"

See also

Account.IMAPSecureConnection, Account.NNTPSecureConnection

Other links for POP3SecureConnection

Methods of Account class

LoadIAFFile, SaveIAFFile

Properties of Account class

AccountID, AccountName, AdBarUrl, BackupConnectoid, BinaryIAF, ConnectionFlags, ConnectionType, Connectoid, DomainisMSNcom, ExpireDays, GotPollingInterval, HTTPMailFriendlyName, HTTPMailPassword, HTTPMailPolling, HTTPMailPromptforPassword, HTTPMailServer, HTTPMailUserName, HTTPMailUseSicily, IMAPDataDirectory, IMAPDirty, IMAPDraftsFolder, IMAPFullList, IMAPNOOPInterval, IMAPPassword, IMAPPollAllFolders, IMAPPolling, IMAPPort, IMAPPromptforPassword, IMAPRootFolder, IMAPSecureConnection, IMAPSentItemsFolder, IMAPServer, IMAPSvrsideSpecialFolders, IMAPTimeout, IMAPUseLSUB, IMAPUserName, IMAPUseSicily, LeaveMailOnServer, MakeAvailableOffline, NNTPDataDirectory, NNTPDisplayName, NNTPEmailAddress, NNTPOrganizationName, NNTPPassword, NNTPPolling, NNTPPort, NNTPPosting, NNTPPromptforPassword, NNTPReplyToEmailAddress, NNTPSecureConnection, NNTPServer, NNTPSignature, NNTPSplitMessages, NNTPSplitMessageSize, NNTPTimeout, NNTPUserName, NNTPUseSicily, OutlookCacheName, POP3Password, POP3Port, POP3PromptforPassword, POP3SecureConnection, POP3Server, POP3SkipAccount, POP3Timeout, POP3UserName, POP3UseSicily, RegF0033E12, RegF7033813, RegF7033A13, RemoveWhenDeleted, RemoveWhenExpired, ServerReadOnly, ShowAdBar, SMTPDisplayName, SMTPEmailAddress, SMTPOrganizationName, SMTPPassword, SMTPPort, SMTPPromptforPassword, SMTPReplyToEmailAddress, SMTPSecureConnection, SMTPServer, SMTPSignature, SMTPSplitMessages, SMTPSplitMessageSize, SMTPTimeout, SMTPUserName, SMTPUseSicily, TemporaryAccount, UseGroupDescriptions


Export of email account settings to the .iaf file format.


Email Account configuration exporter is an ActiveX/COM library, which let's you work with Outlook and Outlook Express email account configuration in VB script/JScript and other programming languages (t-SQL, C++, VBA, php, c#, Delphi...). You can create POP3, IMAP and HTTP email configurations or NNTP news account and export them directly from the script. You can export all fields, including servers, SPA, user names, emails, passwords, etc.

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ActiveX/VBSScript registry editor  ActiveX NT User account manager  Export MDB/DBF from ASP Active LogFile  Email export  ActiveX/ASP Scripting Dictionary object